What should be done before taking the iPhone for repair?

The iPhone is not a perfect device and it can fail like any other electronic device. If your device has a problem that requires the intervention of a professional in order to repair it, you should know a few things beforehand. On many occasions there can be some confusion with the preparations that must be made before going to the technical service and precisely in this article we tell you everything you need to know about it.

The first thing you should be clear about

Before taking the mobile device to a technician, you must first know what is happening to it. In many of the situations you can fix it yourself without having to spend several days without your mobile device. That is why you must identify the specific problem. For example, it can be the screen, the speakers, the charging system… Once what is happening has been detected, you can try to solve it through the advice of Apple support or simply with a restoration of the operating system.

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In the event that none of this works, it is equally important that you know what is wrong. When making an appointment with the technical service and when going to the store in particular, you must explain in detail what has happened. The questions that you should know how to answer are since when the problem has been occurring, if you have restored the operating system and even if there has been some kind of blow. In this way the task of the technicians will be much simpler so that your visit to the technical service does not take too long.

It is also important that  you have the iPhone updated  to the latest version of iOS available, since if your problem is related to the software, it will be a good way to eliminate the problem. What’s more, Apple itself will require you to be on the latest version available before going to technical support.

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About appointments with technical support

Below we will tell you what are the most outstanding aspects that you should know about appointments with technical service, both from Apple and those authorized and even those that do not have authorization from the Californian company.

What kind of support can you receive?

Once you have found the problem, you can get help from the company’s specialized personnel. The best thing to do is go to an Apple Store , but if you don’t have any available in your city, you can always go to one of those known as SAT for its acronym in English for Authorized Technical Service. In any of them you can find staff who are also qualified by Apple and have the official components and tools. This is vital, since going to a store that is not authorized can mean the loss of the guarantee.

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To be able to consult the stores that can carry out the repair with the maximum guarantees , you simply have to make the consultation through the Apple website. In the event that you do not want to make the query through the Apple website, you can always contact by telephone. Here you can explore all the possible solutions and make an appointment with the closest store, since obviously you cannot go without prior notice in order to avoid chaos. Once you make the appointment you will receive an email with all the necessary data to take into account to go to the technical service.

It should be noted that you can also request a  remote repair  through which you will not even have to leave home, since Apple will send a courier service to pick up the iPhone and take it to its technical center, returning it later through the same route once has been repaired. All this can be managed when requesting technical assistance through the channels that we will discuss in the next section.

Ways to make an appointment at Apple or a SAT

There are several ways to contact Apple or a SAT to request technical assistance, having all of these:

Access the Apple support website , finding there all the possible solutions to review on your own and, if applicable, request the repair.

Via telephone. In Spain there is the free number 900 150 503.

Going  in person to the Apple Store or SAT, although that does not guarantee that they can give you an appointment on the same day.

Support application  available on iOS and iPadOS, with operation similar to the web page.

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Can it be repaired elsewhere?

Yes and no. Power is possible, although it is not recommended on some occasions . There are other establishments not authorized by Apple that offer repairs of all kinds (screen, battery change and more). Normally they have a great advantage when it comes to the cost of the repair, since in most cases they tend to be cheaper and that can be something very tempting.

However, in these places they do not have official parts and although in some cases they are of very good quality, the experience may not be the same and your iPhone may even detect the part as non-original and not work. Then there is the fact that  you will lose the warranty with Apple  if the phone is still in the coverage period. Therefore, it is best to check the conditions in this place to be completely sure if they cover any possible inconvenience after the repair.

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The same day of the appointment

The day of your appointment at Apple or a SAT arrives, but before going there you must know and do a series of actions with your device so that the technical service can review the problem. We tell you everything in the following points.

What should you bring to the appointment?

When you go to the appointment it will be important that you take with you or have on hand a series of information that will help the specialists to verify that the device is yours. They will not always ask you for it, but it is advisable that you go with it just in case.

Identity card, passport or driving license. That is, any official document that serves to identify you.

Original purchase invoice  , receipt or any other document related to the time of purchase of the iPhone.

Knowing your  Apple ID  and its password in case you need to enter it into the device, also being another important identity factor that will prove that the iPhone is yours.

iPhone serial number , which you can find in Settings > General > About and on the original product box.

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Back up your data

Before going to receive the help of the technical service, you must take into account that they can format your equipment. On many occasions, to carry out an adequate repair, it is necessary to completely erase all the data, although the truth is that in other situations this is not the case. But in general, you always have to keep in mind that it can happen, so you should make a backup of the iPhone. The most recommended is to do it through iCloud so that it is stored safely.

In this way you can always have a backup in the event that your computer must be formatted or if they simply have to give a replacement in the event that it cannot be repaired. This is something that must be done, since in the store itself the backup can take too long.

Turn off the ‘Search’ function

In addition to backup, it is also important to turn off the ‘Find My iPhone’ feature and even sign out of iCloud. The first of these will allow the technical service to reset the iPhone without problems and will also prevent you from being able to block it from a distance by mistake. This is something that is always checked as soon as the device is delivered.

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In the second case, signing out of iCloud is important for security measures. In this way, no one will be able to access your personal files, such as the cloud or the contacts that you have stored in it, leaving the computer completely closed to anyone’s access.

Remove all the accessories you have

In the latter case, it is recommended that the device be delivered without any type of accessory in the store. In other words, you have to remove any case that you may have on even the tempered glass in the event that an iPhone screen repair is to be carried out. In this way you can save yourself a possible loss in the repair process.

What you should keep in mind is that the charger may be required in the event that there is a problem with it or with the charging system. This would therefore be the last accessory that would be allowed to be delivered.

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Which screen protector is better, glass or plastic?

If you care about the cell phone screen and are thinking of putting a protector on it to prevent scratches or the display from breaking if it falls, take into account the advantages and disadvantages of plastic and glass sheets. Choose the one that suits you best!

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Strength and thickness

The advantage of glass is that it is stronger than plastic. While the plastic protective sheets are more easily scratched, the tempered glass ones withstand stronger shocks and are hardly scratched.

The downside of glass protectors is that they are thicker (0.3 – 0.5mm) and heavier. This is why the buttons on your smartphone are a little sunken. Instead, the plastic ones are around 0.1 mm and are lighter.

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Touch and cleanliness

Unless it’s a very good quality plastic sheet, your fingers glide more smoothly on the glass. Are you one of those who type very fast? Then glass is ideal for you.

As for the fingerprints that are marked on the screen, we are sorry to tell you that the same effect remains on both materials. The difference is that with the use and cleaning of your protector, you will begin to notice that the plastic detaches from the edges and you will have to replace it before the glass.


Both materials have a degree of complexity to install, but plastic usually requires more care because it can bend and leave bubbles on the screen. In fact, one of the reasons why glass sheets are more expensive is that they usually come with a more comfortable installation system.

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Plastic screen protectors are much cheaper than tempered glass. The price differences are due to the manufacturing process of each sheet and different treatments that can be applied, such as an oleophobic coating that serves to minimize finger marks.

If your lifestyle is relaxed, we recommend a plastic one. If you give your cell phone a rough use and take it everywhere, the most convenient thing is to buy a glass one.

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Whatever the material of the protector, we recommend that you purchase one. Avoid a surprise if you bring your smartphone with your keys in the bag! Protect it and remember that only Telcel has the best equipment for you.

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Samsung: How to prevent my Galaxy from overheating

Mobile Phone Repair DubaiSamsung: How to prevent my Galaxy from overheating

Smartphones have a set temperature range. Sometimes it increases and does not affect the performance of the battery, but at other times it can generate heat temporarily and thus decrease the useful life of the cell phone.

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Whether you use a phone, tablet, smartwatch, or headset, all Galaxy devices have a set temperature range where they work best. While they may feel hot under certain conditions, such as charging, this does not affect the device’s lifespan or performance. However, they can temporarily generate heat on several occasions. Find out how to take care of your smartphone.

Samsung: These are the factors that can affect the temperature

  • Use your devices outside of normal operating conditions, between 0°C to 35°C.
  • Placing your devices on or near a heat source, such as leaving them in a parked car on a hot day or having them continually exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Using multiple apps for an extended period of time or using processor-intensive apps for gaming, streaming, or GPS tracking.
  • Charge the device with a non-Samsung, incompatible, or defective charger or USB cable.
  • Initial configuration and transferring data from an older device
  • System or firmware updates.
  • You can get alert messages when your smartphone heats up. Please note that access to certain features/functions may be temporarily frozen as a measure to protect the device.
  • What to do if your Galaxy device generates heat while you’re using it
  • From Samsung they offer various solutions and tips to reduce the temperature of the smartphone:
  • When not in use, turn off Bluetooth, GPS, and Wi-Fi. I also lowered the brightness of the device screen.
  • Optimizes your phone to minimize heat caused by processor-intensive apps that drain your battery.
  • Unused apps running in the background can heat up the device. To resolve this issue, try “Background Usage Limits”.
  • In addition, you should regularly check that your device has the latest app updates.

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How to handle a hot Galaxy mobile while it’s charging

Smartphones can generate heat because their slim designs are not optimized to vent heat or because of their excessive battery consumption. During charging, heat can be produced by both the gadget and the charger. The temperature may even be higher when charging with “super-fast chargers” or wireless chargers. If your device generates heat while charging, it does the following:

Disconnect the charger and close running applications. Wait for the device to cool down, then charge it again.

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If the problem persists, try charging it with another Samsung authorized charger and USB cable. It should be noted that the charging port can generate heat due to a damaged or incompatible charger cable.

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