To ensure long battery life, you should avoid extreme temperatures. Neither cold nor hot. Neither in winter nor in summer is it a good idea to leave your mobile in the car. In the summer season, you have to be especially careful. And it is very easy to forget your smartphone in the sun, on a towel or on a terrace table. In The BEEP InformÃĄtica Blog we have prepared an in-depth article on the dangers of the sun and high temperatures for mobile phones and other mobility devices.
Avoid fast charging
Some smartphones facilitate fast charging. It is a technology that can be very useful when it is strictly necessary. However, this type of charging puts the battery under stress and contributes to its deterioration. In other words: normal charges are better for battery longevity.
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Neither 0% nor 100%
We advise against letting the battery drop to 0%, or charging it up to 100%.
A ‘vice’ inherited from the past
This is a bad practice inherited from a time long past, when rechargeable batteries had memory. If you didn’t fully charge and discharge them, the batteries would remember and see their capacity reduced. Therefore, it was best to leave the battery at zero. And recharge it until it reaches 100%.
Ideal load: between 45% and 75%
New batteries work differently. In fact, fully discharging and charging are harmful actions for the battery. In an ideal world, the goal is to keep the charge level between 65% and 75%.
However, no one is constantly aware of the load bar, so a more realistic ideal range is 45%-75%.
Is it still a difficult load spectrum to maintain in your day-to-day life? Well, you should know that it is also good to keep the battery between 20% and 90% capacity, a much more affordable range.
The manufacturer Samsung states that it is necessary to prevent the battery from falling below 20% capacity.
In order to always keep the battery in the mentioned ranges, it is good that you charge in sessions of a few minutes.
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We can say that an optimal level of load is 50%. Of course, be that as it may, avoid at all costs that the battery plummets to zero or rises to 100% charge.
At 5% once a month, to recalibrate
It is good to let the battery discharge almost completely, to a level of 5%, “to recalibrate”.
Charge the mobile to 50% if you are going to store it for a while
We have already said that the optimal level of charge is 50%. This percentage is a reference, a guide.
Well, that healthy percentage of charge is ideal if you are going to keep your mobile for an extended period of time. Therefore, you should charge it up to 50% before unplugging it and putting it away. Do not even think about turning it off when it is at 0% or 100%, before parking the device for a long time. If you do it like this, the battery would suffer.
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Use less battery to extend its useful life
So far, we have explained actions and routines that can help you extend the life of your battery. From now on, we will list tips with which to improve the use of the battery.
With that energy optimization, you reduce the number of charge cycles (the total discharge and charge of the battery) and, therefore, contribute to a longer battery life. And it is that, as we explained above, the more charging cycles, the more the battery deteriorates.
So, all those behaviors aimed at consuming the minimum battery necessary are positive for the longevity of the mobile. The key term is to optimize the use and consumption of the battery.
Watch videos and play in moderation
Along with applications (which we deal with at another point in this article), videos and video games are the two contents that consume the most energy. This is content that requires the screen to be in operation for long periods of time.
Reduce screen brightness
The mobile screen is the component that usually consumes the most battery. So if you lower the brightness of the screen, you will save energy. The use of auto brightness is a good option, although it is also true that this function will make the light sensor work more.
The ideal, although difficult to carry out, is to change the brightness of the screen every time the light conditions in which you find yourself change.
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Decrease screen timeout
If you have the screen on and stop using it, it will turn off after a short period of time, which is usually a minute or two. To save energy, you can reduce that waiting time.
Sometimes 30 seconds is more than enough. Now, think that if that time is very short, the screen can go black just when you are in the middle of an interesting newspaper article or checking the instructions of a recipe.
Rethink the use of ‘voracious’ Apps with the battery
If you use up battery power at a fast pace, you should review your social media habits. Are you hooked or hooked at all times to Facebook from your mobile? Applications like Facebook are very voracious. That is, they consume a lot of battery.
Clear or restrict Facebook permissions
The most drastic option is to delete Facebook. Another alternative is to restrict permissions (video autoplay, notifications, etc.) and reduce the use of the application.
You can access Facebook from your browser
You can access Facebook from your smartphone’s browser. The experience is very similar to what you have through the app. You can even receive notifications. For quick access, bookmark Facebook.com in your browser.
In some mobiles, these social networks come pre-installed. Therefore, they cannot be deleted, but they can be disabled.
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What other Apps make you waste battery?
Take a look at battery settings to find out which other apps use a disproportionate amount of power. When you have located them, delete them, disable them or restrict permissions.
Keep in mind that some applications have light versions, which generally take up less space, use less data and require less energy.
Alert with Apps with geopositioning
Apps that rely on GPS are especially battery intensive. Some apps, like Google Maps, actually need to know where you are in order to work well. But others, like Facebook, don’t need that information to deliver satisfactory performance.
The mission of achieving better energy use of mobile applications is not easy. The main reason is that those Apps that use the most battery are the ones you use the most. Therefore, you will not delete them, and you will hardly reduce their use. A good idea is to restrict permissions.
Buy the premium version of Apps you use often to get rid of ads
Many Apps have both free and paid versions. The free one is usually paid for with ads. And, as you can imagine, those ads that appear make you spend more data and more energy.
Therefore, if an App is essential for you, we advise you to get the premium version. In the long run, it will pay off. You will consume much less data and much less battery
On the other hand, you will benefit from a screen free of advertising and you will enjoy a version of the App with more features. In addition, you will contribute to the development of the Apps developer industry.
Does your mobile sync data too often?
Almost certainly you use email and applications of all kinds on your smartphone. We are talking about Apps that check for updates and are frequently synchronized.
These timings cause the battery to drain faster.
Therefore, review your sync settings in your Apps and in your email, so that only syncs are made at the rate you need.
Turn off WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS if you don’t need them
If you have them activated, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS are regularly checking for a signal. And that search consumes energy.
For this reason, if you are not going to need any of these technologies, it is best to disable them.
So when you leave home, don’t forget to turn off WiFi. And do the same with Bluetooth when you don’t have to connect to any device.
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Put the ‘Battery saver’ mode
Most smartphones have a Battery Saver mode . This mode disables unnecessary actions. For example, the automatic check for the reception of new emails. It is a mode that we can set manually or automatically (when the phone’s battery drops below a preset level).
With Battery saver , the performance of the device gets worse. However, the battery lasts much longer.
Check the health of your battery
Newer versions of iOS will show you your battery health. In Android, that function is not available, but there are third-party Apps that allow you to do a battery check.
Always use the official charger
Make sure you use the charger that came in the box with your smartphone. And, if this charger wears out or breaks, go find a charger exactly like it. The official charger is a good first step in ensuring optimal charging practices.
Update device software
Check that you have carried out the latest available update of your device’s software.
Avoid places with poor signal
Do you have little signal? How many bars of signal does the screen tell you?
These are important questions, since your device uses more battery if you are for a long time in an area with poor coverage. The reason? Your mobile spends more energy communicating with your network operator.
Using data in areas with a low signal can drain your battery. We advise you to turn off data if you are running low on battery and don’t need internet access.
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Use WiFi whenever you can
When you have WiFi within your reach, use it. It not only saves data, but also consumes less battery than the connection offered by the operator for your mobile.
For this reason, do not forget to activate the WiFi when you are at home. And don’t be shy about asking for the password when you’re in a coffee shop or at a friend’s house.
Use the ‘Airplane Mode’
If the battery starts to get low, you should turn on Airplane Mode . With this mode, you disable WiFi and Bluetooth.
Now, you should know that if you want to activate either of these two technologies again, you can do it manually without leaving Airplane Mode .
Disable background updates
By default, apps are refreshed or updated in the background. You can choose to only do this when you are connected to a WiFi network. If anything, these updates can squeeze the battery.
To disable these updates, you can do it app by app. On iPhone models, you have to go to Settings and, once there, Background Updates. On Android, you must go to Settings and a section on data usage.
Prevent automatic updates of Apps
To improve the energy efficiency of your mobile, it can be key to prevent automatic updates of Apps.
To do this, on iPhones you must go to Settings, to [your name] and to iTunes and App Store. Once there, you can indicate that you do not want automatic downloads.
On Android, open Google Play. Pull down the side menu and select Settings. Within this submenu, you will see the option to disable automatic updates on Android.
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Turn off artificial intelligence assistants
If you have proposed to use less battery, we recommend you to leave the artificial intelligence assistant of your mobile out of play.
On many Android devices, you have the Google Assistant, which you can summon by saying “OK Google.” That means that the microphone of the mobile must be on to hear the magical words. It is an unnecessary waste of energy, especially if it is a function that you use very sporadically. You can disable it in Google settings.
On your iPhone go to Settings, select Siri and turn off Hey Siri.
Uncheck the ‘widgets’ you don’t use
The so-called widgets allow you to see at a glance the relevant information of the applications you use most. But you should keep in mind that they consume battery when updating. Therefore, it is a good idea to review which widgets we have active. If we use little any of them, uncheck it.
Slide the screen to the right, and the notification screen will appear. Find the Edit button and choose your widgets.
Disable visual effects
Animated backgrounds give your smartphone personality. However, at the same time they waste battery power. The recommendation is to switch to a static wallpaper.
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Turn off unnecessary sounds
The iPhone speaker drains battery. For this reason, we advise you to deactivate those sounds that are not crucial for the operation of the mobile. For example, keyboard clicks or the one that sounds when you lock the screen. These options can be disabled in Settings > Sounds.